Showing 13–24 of 36 results

Hammer, Fretz CP1 Good Cross Pien Hammer Hot on Sale

Original price was: $85.95.Current price is: $25.79.
Hammer, Fretz CP1 Good Cross Pien Hammer Michael Good’ s Cross Pien Hammer is a large jewelers’ hammer with an

Hammer, Fretz CP2 Good Cross Pien Hammer Online Sale

Original price was: $85.95.Current price is: $25.79.
Hammer, Fretz CP2 Good Cross Pien Hammer The CP–2 hammer is the companion hammer to Michael Good’s CP–1. It works

Hammer, Fretz HMR-102 Wide Raising Supply

Original price was: $85.95.Current price is: $25.79.
Hammer, Fretz HMR-102 Wide Raising The Wide Raising Hammer can be used to raise sheet metal into a bowl against

Hammer, Fretz Inserts for HMR-7 Hammer Online

Original price was: $15.16.Current price is: $7.58.
Hammer, Fretz Inserts for HMR-7 HammerInserts For HMR-7 Set/9 Simply the highest-quality hammers in the world Specially crafted for jewelers

Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-401 Planishing Hot on Sale

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $15.98.
Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-401 Planishing MKR-401 Maker Planishing Hammer has slightly rounded and a flat working ends like the MKR-1

Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-402 Wide Raising Sale

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $15.98.
Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-402 Wide Raising The MKR-402 Maker Wide Raising Hammer is a delicate crosspien hammer for texturing round

Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-403 Narrow Raising Sale

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $15.98.
Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-403 Narrow Raising The MKR-403 Narrow Raising Hammer is a crosspien that can be used to upset

Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-404 Large Embossing on Sale

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $15.98.
Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-404 Large Embossing MKR-404 Maker Large Embossing Hammer is for texturing convex and concave surfaces with a

Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-7 Maker and Nylon end w 3 Metal Ins Supply

Original price was: $95.96.Current price is: $28.79.
Hammer, Fretz Maker MKR-7 Maker and Nylon end w 3 Metal InsJewelers’ Hammers with stainless heads and American ash handles. 

Hammer, Fretz P1 Good Planishing Hammer Discount

Original price was: $85.95.Current price is: $25.79.
Hammer, Fretz P1 Good Planishing Hammer This is Michael Good’s design for a planishing hammer with unique curves for working

Hammer, Fretz Precisionsmith HMR-405 Small Embossing Fashion

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $21.98.
Hammer, Fretz Precisionsmith HMR-405 Small Embossing The Precisionsmith Small Embossing Hammer gives metal a very small dimpled texture. This hammer

Hammer, Fretz Precisionsmith HMR-406 Riveting /Texturing Supply

Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $21.98.
Hammer, Fretz Precisionsmith HMR-406 Riveting /Texturing The Riveting Hammer is useful in riveting pin stems and other cold connections. This